Minnie Johnson
Departed this life on March 20, 2020. She is survived by her grandchildren, William Ladson and Gwendolyn L. (Terry) Coleman, great-grandchildren, Delonte` Ladson, Christopher A. Harley, Princess A. Ladson, Charde N. Ladson and Christian Ladson. In light of public health concerns surrounding the current pandemic private funeral services were held.
To my dearest sweet Great Grandmother Kitty will forever remain a part of my heart. She may be gone from my sight, but she will never be gone from my heart. It’s really hard to put into words how you feel when you lose someone you love. It feels like a piece of you is gone. My Great Grandmother Kitty was very special.She loved really hard She cared so much for her family and went out of her way to let us know. I count it a major blessing to have had her in my life. And I must say she was stunning. I will always remember the best times and the laughters. The good life you lived. Your mind is at ease and your soul at rest. I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck. 🌻🌻🦋🌻🌻